recently published articles

Using the power of
visualisation to motivate

Self-confidence is a key requisite for great undertakings. To succeed in your exams you must be confident, and one thing you can be absolutely confident about is that if you follow a structured study approach, covering all areas of the syllabus and supplement your learning by using ACCA online resources such as the Practice Platform, the likelihood of you passing increases significantly. On that there is no doubt!

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This article breaks the strategic planning process into simple to follow logical steps. It is really important to be able to identify at what stage a company is in its journey and what are the choices which it typically needs to make.These two articles have stood the test of time as a popular way of identifying whether the situation described is at the analysis, choice or implementation stage and explains the key relevant frameworks to use at each of these stages.


ACCA official technical article on StrATegic planning process (part 2)

ACCA official technical article on StrATegic planning process (part This article breaks the strategic planning process into simple to follow logical steps. It is really important to be able to identify at what stage a company is in its journey and what are the choices which it typically needs to make.These two articles have stood the test of time as a popular way of identifying whether the situation described is at the analysis, choice or implementation stage and explains the key relevant frameworks to use at each of these stages.

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Techniques for effective study

If you are to pass your exams more easily, then adopting the optimum approach to study is really important. Everyone is different int his respect and in this article we’ll look at different learning styes and help you recognise yours. We’ll look at how we can stay focused and also the importance of looking after your mental health and well bei

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perfecting you exam technique to help you achieve success

To ensure that you demonstrate your knowledge to the examining team in a way that maximises your score this article will remind you about the key principles of exam technique.Think of your exam as a project management exercise in mark acquisition.

To demonstrate your competency in a subject, you need to demonstrate that you can get at least 50% of the marks to achieve a pass, and ideally you should aim higher to give yourself a clear margin of safety if you are to pass your exams more easily. This article explains the best way to achieve this.

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Motivation and planning a route to success

If you are to pass your exams more easily, tapping into the power of motivation is a great thing to do. Motivation is all about goal setting, and creating a visual of the goal you want to achieve is a useful technique. Rather than just being motivated by the phrase ‘I want to pass the exam’, creating a visual of what passing that exam will bring to you is far more powerful..

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My June exam session is cancelled – what should I do?

Due to the uncertainty and current lockdown caused by Covid-19, ACCA exams will not be taking place in June in many countries. I’m sure this is a disappointment to the many of you who wanted to make continued progress in your path to ACCA qualification. You might be wondering what to do now as you may be partway through a study programme that was focused on bringing everything together for the June exam date. So, if your June exam session has been cancelled, what should you do?